Thursday, January 31, 2013

Making Small Art

Strangely Pink Water Buffalo by stephro
Strangely Pink Water Buffalo, a photo by stephro on Flickr.

It's been a few years now that I have really gotten into this idea of making really small objects. If I called them art it would be incorrect, they're not quite works of art but they are pictures and objects etc. I really enjoy it though, working in really small sizes. There is a freedom to it and it plays into an idea I have of making really affordable works/objects that anyone can afford as a gateway to getting the average person into collecting art as a hobby and/or passion. In these times we, artists, need to find ways to draw people outside of art collecting circles to us and gain new audiences and perhaps new love of art and objects to be passed on to younger generations. Silly, goofy, unrealistic, idealistic.. Yes. But why not?

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