Thursday, July 31, 2008

Keep Feeling Sharpie-Mania!

Dro: Kaiju 07/31/08
Originally uploaded by stephro
So I've dubbed my quest for having a show of just sharpie doodles as Sharpie-mania! And sharpie-mania continues! This kaiju is all about destroying cities and standing up for sharpie-mania! In all seriousness I will have to draw a huge amount of sharpie doodles to fill up a show but I'm up for this challenge! It would make an interesting show I think. It may work better if it was a collective of sharpie drawings though, like you get like 3 or 4 people and everyone gets a wall to own as theirs. This could be interesting. Anyways, check out the flickr page and enjoy the sharpie-mania pics, there are some that I haven't posted on here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

great idea...u can shamelessly self promote anytime. it helps because other people get busy too and don't get around to it unless somebody throws it up in their face. sorry about your bout with shingles. get well soon and keep om with the art and the promos. hugs...rebecca p.